Tuesday, November 5, 2019

News and Online Media, theory, industry and context

Daily Mail

These headlines look into social topics such as Facebook and Brexit, which are a part of our everyda lives, allowing the newspaper to attract a wider audience.

The Guardian

In these two particular front covers, once again parliment is brought up, due to being one of the most topical issued in the UK, the chicken article will appeal to vegans who are well aware of the crisis.

The news Industry is concerned with the production, distribution and circulation of news information and entertainment.
Today’s UK  News papers are
created using a process called off set printing
They require large amounts of material
The employ mainly highly trained staff

Print News is deadline driven with a typical turn around time of 24 –hours.

News Circulation refers to the number of newspapers that have been distributed (not sold).  Circulation figures are important because they are used to set advertising rates.
Print Newspaper sales have declined significantly over the past two decades which has had a significant effect on the way newspapers run their business.

Task 1

Task 2

Ownership refers to who financially supports and produces the paper. Newspaper owners may acquire more than one brand (consolidation) which helps the owner target different audiences, gaining a larger market share.

In the UK there are three different ownership models

1.Media barons – wealthy owners/proprietors

2.Trusts – a legal arrangement where the finances from the owner are transferred to a “trustee” to manage the newspaper

3.Cross media converged conglomerates (Rupert Murdoch News Corp up until 2018 owned: News UK, 20th Century Fox and part owned Sky)

Which two companies own 60% of the British Press, what is their political affiliation?- News UK and DMG Media

Why might Press ownership be important in shaping the British public views on political issues such as Brexit, voting for political parties?

60% of press is owned by Ring Wing companies which means that they will spread positivity about the Conservatives due to their agreement with Capitalism and Anti-socialism. If the public are more likely to read an article that shames Corbyn rather than praising him, it may cause them to have a biased opinion when voting in general elections.

British newspapers must attract audiences to make money and survive.

2015 UK newspaper industry contributed £5.3 Billion Gross value added and supports £87,500 jobs.

Print Newspaper production is financed through print sales and advertising revenue.

Circulation sales

14.3 million people read a newspaper every day.

81% of newspaper revenue comes from circulation sales.

The cost of a Daily Newspaper ranges from 3 p to £2.70 with the Daily Mail retailing at xx p and Guardian xx per day (Task find out what the costs are!)


Advertisers pay for space in the paper

Advertising in national newspapers is expensive, depending on the paper’s circulation figures and audience (A, B, C1, , D, E)

The cost of a full page colour advert in the Daily Mail is £30,000

Newspapers now make money from adverts in off line (print) and online (digital) editions

Readers of print newspapers are more likely to read an advert than online readers.


Subscriptions and donations

Online subscription fees known as paywalls, which pay for online services and also fund print papers (Task find out what the subscription costs are for the telegraph and the Guardian)

Reader donations and memberships

Guardian- £5 a month

Daily Mail- £10.99 a month

Telegraph- £2 a week

Left wing, done to prevent referedum, Farage was encouraged to give up seats to other parties (he owned 317) but gave conservatives some seats last night in order to speed up Brexit.

Cultivation Theory- suggests that exposure to media, over time, subtly "cultivates" viewers' perceptions of reality. Gerber and Gross assert: "Television is a medium to the socialization of most people inot standardised roles and beahviours. Its function is in a word, enculturation.

Owners of different newspapers:

Telegraph- David and Frederick Barclay- Barclay Brothers
Guardian- Scott Trust Limited & Guardian Media Group
The Daily Mail- Jonathan Hamsworth
The Sun- News Group Newspapers Limited, News Corporation & News UK

Editors of different newspapers:

Telegraph- Chris Evans
Guardian- Katherine Viner
The Daily Mail- Geordie Greig
The Sun- Tony Gallagher

The Daily Mail describes immigrants in the UK as a 'swarm', conservaties believe in capitalism and the daily mail is right wing, meaning that they are in support of removal of immagrants, making them look bad to sway the mindset of the public.

Socialism- a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

Capitalism- an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.


Mark Williams spread vile hate-sppech via Twitter towards Katie Price's disabled son Harvey, calling him a "poor c**t". Price reached out online to find the man responsible, and The Sun helped to bring Williams down, who was then fired from his job as a window-manufacturing firm at RT Windows.
In its regualatory role, IPSO: holds newspapers to account, protects the rights ofthe individual, upholds standards of journalism, maintains freedom of expression for the press.
Regulation of the press
Womens name falsely used in article about a person hanging themselves due to extreme monopause symptoms recieved justice after complaining about the Daily Mirror. As Clause 1 states, it is stated that 'The Press must take care not to publish inaccurate, misleading or distorted information or images, including headlines not supported by the text'. The Daily Mirror apologised for what they did and agreed to fix and then re-publish the article, they also gave Gillian Chapman a sum of money which she then gave it to charity. The Mirror had recieved there information from a local newsagents who had not fact-checked their information before passing it on.

Rescue boats? I’d use gunships to stop migrants

Katie Hopkins came under fire after The Sun published one of her articles in which she described immagrants as 'cockroaches'. Despite beinging up very relevant points about the crisis being dealt with 4 years ago, the public responded with a shower of complaint after Katie was not covered by Ipso. Ipso did not find reason to take down the article as the language was not discriminating any particular person and was used as a general term. The word cockroach however could be associated with terrible past events and so The Sun decided to take the article down due to the backlash they were recieving. As well as this, after 200,000 people signed a petition to have Katie Hopkins sacked, she was removed from the company and moved to the Daily Mail. "In terms of the editors’ code, there wasn’t anything that could lead to a successful complaint against that column.”

The Guardian

The Guardian Media Group includes the Guardian and Observer newspapers and theguardian.com and was founded in Manchester during 1821.

The Guardian have an app to show that they have a strong online presense
In 2015 GMG had a 15 percent share in the market for combined print and online circulation the third largest in the UK.

Across different platforms the readership looks like

Desktop 7.8 million
Tablet 3.1 million
Mobile 15.8 million.
This suggests that the Guardians adaptations to changes in digital technology and convergence within the industry are working and helping the paper to survive and flourish.

The Guardian has had a long association with serious quality journalism, its social roots (Manchester)  have also lead it to highlight the arts and culture for the public good.  The news values of the paper reflect the lives of the public from al cultures and walks of life.
The Guardians current editor Katharine Viner  prioritises stories that are in the publics interest and for the common good, and if they effect equality and freedom.
Journalists need to report on all forms of public life including different cultures, diverse perspectives and community services

This front page is public interest due to NHS being involved, The guardian is centre-left meaning that they agree that everyone should be  equal to some extent, meaning that Trump visiting with plans that may poissibly contradict this will effect them and altogether grab their attention. Because the NHS is free for everyone.

The Guardian is not part of IPSO, the Daily Mail is.

See the source image
The target audience for this tabloid is left wing readers, due to it being a labour exclusive. The purpouse of them being the audience is that it shocks them to read that the sun do not like Jeremy Corbyn and think he has done something wrong. The Sun is right wing, and by targeting left wing do so with the intent of outraging them. Also, the audience would be mainly males above 16 in the working class. This is because the sun is quite cheap and rarely speaks about serious political topics, otherwise covering celebrity gossip. The Sun is owned by Rupert Murdock who is a media baron with strong views on topics such as immagration. The Sun uses colloquial language to appeal to a younger audience.

Image result for the guardian front cover
The target audience of The Guardian are middle classed men and people of the left wing. This is shown by lack of pop-culture and advertisements, instead there is detailed and educated political coverage that speaks negatively of the conservatives. Due to the more intelectual language, the audience would be middle/upper middle people who can afford to reguarly purchase the paper.


How do Newspapers target and reach their audiences?

1. Price.

Set to appeal to the audiences socio demographic profile

A redtop tabloid costs between 40 p and75p, a broadsheet newspaper ranges from £1.60 - £2.70

2.Cross platform advertising

3.Promotional offers

Offers such as free give away’s, posters, discounts on holidays shopping vouchers appeal to and reach the target audience



6.Partnership marketing

Daily Mail                                                                  The Guardian
Gender- women                                                        Gender- men
Age- 55+                                                                   Age- 55+
Class- C1C2-skilled workers                                    Class-AB
Region- London                                                        Region- London

The Guardian is a more serious paper and take their stories much more seriously and are more respectful about what they cover, this means that there are some of Harcup's values missing such as surpirse and entertainment. The purpouse of this paper is to inform thw public of serious topical issues. There is also a lack of good news, in order to avoid sugercoating.

The online dail mail shows the Queen's reaction to all thats happened this year with Philips car crash in January, the rugby player in August, Meghans breakdown in October and the ordeals with Prince Andrew and the scandal. It shows the difference between the good news and the bad news considering that they put an advertisement for a holiday in the french alps above the bad news. The relevance is the royal family because the public want to know whats happening with them and it puts a bad reputation onto them making it seem not all luxury and happiness. The celebrities are of course the royal family as it links to all of them as a family.

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