Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Magazine work

These are the fonts that stood out to me when looking for a font for my Masthead and Titles for various articles. I especially like Elephant because it looks formal and stands out.

The differences I made between the first and second image are as follows:

Firstly, I made the background brigther, but not to such an extent that the white font became hard to read. I made the link at the bottom smaller as well as the barcode due to them not having a large importance. I did however make the puff larger so it stands out more as well as the skyline. I noticed that the main headline was not as good as it could be, and so I changed the message to a more serious topic (bullying) in order to make the stories seem more relatable. I added a sub-headline on the right third which names well known activites that happen in the common room in order to appeal to A level students; I added a red bar below this to make it stick out and refrence to my research which I thought looked nice and therefore applied into my own work.

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