Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Media Glossary

Production - the process of making a media product. Every industry has its own forms of production.

Distribution - the process of making a media product available to audiences so that they can consume it, which includes aspects of marketing such as creating an advertising campaign.

Circulation - a count of how many copies of a media product are distributed. This can include physical distribution and subscription.

Print News Audience - an audience can bedefined as a group of people or the market that a product or message is aimed at.

Psychometrics - another way of categorizing audiences.  One way is to use VAL’s  typology which consists of: Values, Attitudes and Lifestyle or behaviour.

Target Audience:  a specific group of people targeted by the newspaper made of different demographics and psychometrics

Mass Audience: a very large audience including a large a wide range of people made of different demographics and psychometrics.  Print traditionally attracts a mass audience
Niche audience: a small select group who have a unique interest.

Media Language: How the media through their forms, codes, conventions and techniques communicate meaning(s).

Representations: how the media portray events issues, individuals and social groups

Advertising: the process of making a product or service known to the market and the target audience.

Marketing: the process of preparing a product for the marketplace.  Advertising is one of several components used in the marketing strategy.

Media language : how the media through their forms, codes, conventions and techniques communicate meaning(s).

Mise en scène: the arrangement of the scenery, props, etc. on the stage of a theatrical production or on the set of a film.

Magazine: a periodical publication containing a collection of articles targeted at entertaining or informing a particular audience

Production: the action of making or manufacturing from components or raw materials, or the process of being so manufactured.

the action of sharing something out among a number of recipients.

an act of giving one thing and receiving another (especially of the same kind) in return.

Media conglomerate:A media group or media institution that owns numerous companies involved in mass media enterprises, such as television, radio, publishing, motion pictures, theme parks or the internet. Conglomerates are usually global in size and reach

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