Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Revision for Mocks

Alvarado's Race Theory (1978)


Media Langauge

How do newspapers communicate meaning through media language?

-Depening on the desired tone of the newspaper, the use of media language can be crucial in making it obvious to a reader. For example, if a more serious story is being covered, the use of colour, font size and sans serif though small differences, can have big effects. If a text is in red it states its importance by standing out and having connotations of danger, whereas a white text would be less important.

Postcolonialist theory- Paul Gilroy

1500-1900's. Colonialism-taking over another country to run and exploit it

Britain did this to India, the Caribbean and Africa, they would arrive on boats and begin to act like the country was their own, disregarding the natives. Eventually, the British people creates a new government and those who already lived there had to obey them in fear of losing their lives. The Gilroy theory looks at how he believes ethnic minorities are often shown as powerless, weak, dehumanised and marganalised. He also believes that white western people are often shown as more powerful, successful and important.

Van Zoonen theory

Discuss using Gilroy’s theory how Race is represented using Paul Gilroy’s ethnicity and post colonial theory.

Identify areas of the article (images and text) which support this  discuss the connotations.

In this Guardian article, an audience member of a recent football game is being exposed for his racist behaviour towards a brown player. This discrimantory audience member who has since lost his job supports Gilory's theory by looking down on the football player and viewing him as less due to the colour of his skin. Gilory's theory discusses that minorities are often portrayed in the media as powerless, weak and overall inferior whereas white men are made to appear strong, powerful and dominant. The main image of this article heavily supports this theory, with the picture showing a brown man cowering and bowing his head to the floor, which he did due to having a lighter thrown at him. The text that explains the lighter is very small below the image, suggesting that the Guardian don't want people to notice it, and instead just want t-their viewers to look at the football player and think of him as weak due to how he is stood. The members of the audience can also all be seen making the same mouth movements, the connotations being that they are shouting potentially at the football player, suggesting that they all look down on him despite this being an obvious lie.

Van Zoonen theory

This newspaper article demonstrates Van Zoonen's theory in several ways, on one these includes the patriarchy being in control. This is shown through the male Mp having power over his secretary so b

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